First Day School 

10:20 - 11:15

Richland Friend’s Youth First Day School (YFDS) and childcare program is an important part of the intergenerational fabric of our Quaker meeting family.  Our program is provided during Meeting for Worship, thus enabling parents to be reassured that their children are being cared for and nurtured in Quaker ways while the parents are being nurtured in Worship.  

Activities vary and are chosen based upon the number and ages of the children attending.  Themes have included (but are not limited to) learning about Quaker values such as simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship of the environment.  (Known as the SPICES.) Other lessons have been based on the life of Jesus, or about prayer, seeking God, and friendship.  Lessons have included discussions about other religions, including a field trip to a Mosque, a Catholic church, a Baptist church and a Synagogue.  Frequently, discussions occur during an art activity. At times, adult members of our meeting have shared their passions such as outdoor painting, yoga, drama, goats, dogs and chickens.  The youngsters are treated respectfully as valued participants in the life of our meeting.  

Towards the end of the hour, we clean up, have a small snack, and join the adults at the end of their worship in the meetinghouse.

In keeping with Pennsylvania requirements, all adult volunteers have current Pennsylvania Volunteer clearances to lead each class.